Posts Tagged ‘opinion’

– Love is overrated –

Posted: September 2, 2012 in Uncategorized

I was just thinking the other day, in all the great love stories one of the protagonist, usually suffers some tragedy or rather dies in the end. This kept me wondering for a long time what is it about death that strongly invokes the feeling of love? When I thought more, I realized it isn’t love at all that creates this strong emotion and makes us empathize but its actually pity. If someone dies in the age of 70, no one really cares for the person’s spouse, all the crying and rubbish is there but no one feels that bad however if someone is dead at 40 then people really feel the tragedy of the thing. Ideally love should increase proportionally with time and be felt more strongly when loosing someone after 40 years of association than with 20. In fact there should be love stories around children and parents, they love us more and ideally we should love them back more if the rule of association applies. There are some stories which portray this relationship as well, but have you ever wondered they also usually involve a parent leaving or dying at an early age? I mean if someone’s mother died at 4 he wont even remember her when he grows up but then people cry when they show the mother dead at 4. The truth is no one cares enough when she dies when the child is 40 unfortunately not even the children.So in conclusion what I have realized is that love is directly proportional to your dependency on that person. At 4 you need your mother, at 40 your spouse and so you “love” people solely because you need them. This need could be emotional, all that argument is fine but its a need, there is nothing else to it. You need that person in life because of all the practical reasons not because of some stupid feeling, that stupid feeling is a result of all the practical reasons. I wonder if everyone knows this in their heart. The only people I can’t fit into this theory are the one who commit suicide and all because they claim to be in love, but then there are always psychopaths. May be its 2 am effect and I need sleep but I sincerely feel and have felt from a long time now that love is exponentially overrated.